log in u rečniku francuskog jezika Oksford‒Hašet

Prevodi za log in u rečniku engleski»francuski

I.log [Brit lɒɡ, Am lɔɡ, lɑɡ] N

II.log <pres part logging; pret, pp logged> [Brit lɒɡ, Am lɔɡ, lɑɡ] VB trans

III.log <pres part logging; pret, pp logged> [Brit lɒɡ, Am lɔɡ, lɑɡ] VB intr

I.full [Brit fʊl, Am fʊl] ADJ

1. full (completely filled):

plein à craquer inf

4. full (complete):


II.full [Brit fʊl, Am fʊl] ADV

I.favour Brit, favor Am [Brit ˈfeɪvə, Am ˈfeɪvər] N

2. favour (kindness):

do me a favour! lit

III.favour Brit, favor Am [Brit ˈfeɪvə, Am ˈfeɪvər] VB trans

I.term [Brit təːm, Am tərm] N

1. term (period of time):

in or during term(-time) SCHOOL, UNIV
autumn/spring/summer term SCHOOL, UNIV

1. terms (conditions):

termes mpl
terms COMM
terms of trade COMM, ECON

I.effect [Brit ɪˈfɛkt, Am əˈfɛkt] N

1. effect (net result):

3. effect (power, efficacy):

to come into effect LAW, ADMIN

IV.effect [Brit ɪˈfɛkt, Am əˈfɛkt] VB trans

I.case1 [Brit keɪs, Am keɪs] N

1. case (instance, example):

cas m

vidi i rest, headcase

I.rest [Brit rɛst, Am rɛst] N

I.place [Brit pleɪs, Am pleɪs] N

1. place (location, position):

2. place (town, hotel etc):

vidi i take place

I.public [Brit ˈpʌblɪk, Am ˈpəblɪk] N

II.public [Brit ˈpʌblɪk, Am ˈpəblɪk] ADJ


I.chief [Brit tʃiːf, Am tʃif] N

II.chief [Brit tʃiːf, Am tʃif] ADJ attr

III.in chief ADV (chiefly)

V.chief [Brit tʃiːf, Am tʃif]

log in u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za log in u rečniku engleski»francuski

I.log1 [lɒg, Am lɑ:g] N

I.log2 [lɒg, Am lɑ:g] N

III.in [ɪn] ADJ (popular)

vidi i out, in between

out → out of

vidi i inch

Američki engleski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Since there is always a setting sun somewhere in the world, introducing a Breathalyzer test before anyone can log in is not a bad idea.
Additionally, they published admin user name and password for other citizens to log in and clear their debts early morning.
So log in only when you need to, and be sure to log out when you're done.
Fast user switching allows another user to log in and use the system without having to log out the previous user and quit his or her applications.
This means that when they log in a few times, it gives them different customer account info every time.
You have to log out from one device to log in to the other.
This allowed users to log in to their computers by looking into the web camera.
The AGM is typically webcasted webcast and members who log in can ask questions, although they can not vote.
There is no need to log out or log in.
Every customer has to log in first and can then take care of his business activities online, like on major sales platforms in the internet.

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