fel u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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I.heel1 [Brit hiːl, Am hil] N

I.feel [Brit fiːl, Am fil] N

II.feel <pt/pp felt> [Brit fiːl, Am fil] VB trans

1. feel (experience):

3. feel (physically):

4. feel (touch deliberately):

III.feel <pt/pp felt> [Brit fiːl, Am fil] VB intr

1. feel (emotionally):

3. feel (create certain sensation):

IV.to feel oneself VB refl

I.feed [Brit fiːd, Am fid] N Brit

II.feed <pt/pp fed> [Brit fiːd, Am fid] VB trans

III.feed <pt/pp fed> [Brit fiːd, Am fid] VB intr

IV.to feed oneself VB refl

vidi i federation, Federal Reserve Board, federal

federation [Brit fɛdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n, Am ˌfɛdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] N

Federal Reserve Board [ˌfedərəlrɪˈzɜːvˌbɔːd] N (in US)

I.federal [Brit ˈfɛd(ə)r(ə)l, Am ˈfɛd(ə)rəl] ADJ

2. Federal → Fed

III.federal [Brit ˈfɛd(ə)r(ə)l, Am ˈfɛd(ə)rəl]

I.fear [Brit fɪə, Am ˈfɪr] N

1. fear (dread, fright):

have no fear! liter or hum

2. fear (worry, apprehension):

1. fear (be afraid of):

I.few [Brit fjuː, Am fju] fewer fewest ADJ When few is used as an adjective to indicate the smallness or insufficiency of a given number or quantity (few horses, few shops, few people), it is translated by pochi + masculine nouns and poche + feminine nouns: pochi cavalli, pochi negozi, poche persone. Equally the few is translated by i pochi/le poche: the few people who knew her = le poche persone che la conoscevano. For examples and particular usages, see I1 in this entry. - When few is used as an adjective in certain expressions to mean several, translations vary according to the expression: see I2 in this entry - When a few is used as a quantifier (a few books), it can often be translated by qualche, which is invariable and is always followed by the singular: qualche libro; however, for expressions such as quite a few books, a good few books, see I3 in this entry. - For translations of few used as a pronoun (few of us succeeded, I only need a few), see II in theis entry - For translations of the few used as a noun (the few who voted for him), see III, in this entry.

1. few (not many):

II.few [Brit fjuː, Am fju] fewer fewest PRON

III.few [Brit fjuː, Am fju] fewer fewest N

IV.few [Brit fjuː, Am fju] fewer fewest

I.reel [Brit riːl, Am ril] N

II.reel [Brit riːl, Am ril] VB trans (wind onto reel)

IV.reel [Brit riːl, Am ril] N

solid fuel [ˌsɒlɪdˈfjuːəl] N

Gael1 [Brit ɡeɪl, Am ɡeɪl] N

eel [Brit iːl, Am il] N

fel u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za fel u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Large scale economic crimes can also be punishable by death for mofsed-fel-arz if the stability of the financial system was threatened.

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