go with u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za go with u rečniku engleski»italijanski

go in with VB [ɡəʊ -] (go in with [sb])

go along with VB [ɡəʊ -] (go along with [sb, sth])

go through with VB [ɡəʊ -] (go through with [sth])

Prevodi za go with u rečniku engleski»italijanski

with [Brit wɪð, Am wɪð, wɪθ] PREP

1. with (in descriptions):

I.go <3ª persona sing pres. goes, pt went, pp gone> [Brit ɡəʊ, Am ɡoʊ] VB intr

1. go (move, travel):

2. go (on specific errand, activity):

18. go (extend in depth or scope):

II.go <3ª persona sing pres. goes, pt went, pp gone> [Brit ɡəʊ, Am ɡoʊ] VB trans

III.go <pl goes> [Brit ɡəʊ, Am ɡoʊ] N

IV.go [Brit ɡəʊ, Am ɡoʊ] ADJ

to go off like a frog in a sock Aus inf
to go off on one Brit inf
there you go! inf
he's all go! inf
it's all the go! inf
that was a near go! inf

go with u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za go with u rečniku engleski»italijanski

III.go1 <-es> [goʊ] N

IV.go1 [goʊ] ADJ AVIAT

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

I'm going to have to go with my first idea, not second-guess everything all the time, be so fussy.
All of his brothers had a love for music and the talent to go with it.
But given the political realities of inertia, the deck chair thing was the wing and prayer they decided to go with.
Bored and itchy, the child soon loses interest, so his father sketches out a sad railway engine and makes up a story to go with it.
Whoever does not have a fir tree can go with a stick wrapped in tinsel, on which are held three or four "ingli".
There was some disquiet at the channel, but then they told us just to go with it.
There are two main teas that go with the tea culture.
If it's an acronym, we capitalize it -- if it isn't, we just go with the normal proper noun case.
In some cases, an enoteca will also sell other local foodstuff and/or serve small snacks to go with the wines.
It was the freedom of the shoestring that allowed us to go with early takes, and work in a real energetic way.

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