high living u Oksfordovom rečniku španskog jezika

Prevodi za high living u rečniku engleski»španski

1.1. live (be, remain alive):

no te vas a morir inf

I.live2 [Am laɪv, Brit lʌɪv] ADJ

II.live2 [Am laɪv, Brit lʌɪv] ADV

I.living [Am ˈlɪvɪŋ, Brit ˈlɪvɪŋ] N

II.living [Am ˈlɪvɪŋ, Brit ˈlɪvɪŋ] ADJ attr

I.high <higher highest> [Am haɪ, Brit hʌɪ] ADJ

2.1. high (considerable, greater than usual):

II.high <higher highest> [Am haɪ, Brit hʌɪ] ADV

1.1. high fly:

III.high [Am haɪ, Brit hʌɪ] N

high living u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za high living u rečniku engleski»španski

Američki engleski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

This philanthropy, plus continued high living and poor financial management extinguished what remained of the family fortune.
He was uninterested in high living, despite his large personal fortune.
He had squandered much of his income on high living and poor investments.
The high-protein diet movement during the early 2000s was very profitable, whereas during the late 2000s recession, fine dining was more suited for high living.

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