in-line skating u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za in-line skating u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.short [Brit ʃɔːt, Am ʃɔrt] ADJ

1. short (not long-lasting):

II.short [Brit ʃɔːt, Am ʃɔrt] ADV (abruptly)

V.short [Brit ʃɔːt, Am ʃɔrt] N

VII.also short-circuit VB trans ELEC

VIII.also short-circuit VB intr ELEC

IX.short [Brit ʃɔːt, Am ʃɔrt]

I.line1 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] N

1. line:

line ART
line SPORTS (on pitch, court)
line MATH

2. line (row):

fila f (of di)
serie f (of di)

12. line (in genealogy):

13. line (of text):

14. line (conformity):

line2 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] VB trans (add layer) [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn] PREP [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn] ADV [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn] ADJ (fashionable) [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn] N [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn]

II.triplicate [Brit ˈtrɪplɪkət, Am ˈtrɪpləkət] VB trans [Brit ˈtrɪplɪkeɪt, Am ˈtrɪpləˌkeɪt]

vidi i also in the meanwhile

also in the meanwhile">

in-line skating u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za in-line skating u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The roller-skating and in-line skating pad was packed with users and the free fitness class in the gymnasium was full.
For athletic passengers, there's a nine-hole miniature golf course, a golf simulator, an in-line skating track and a full-size basketball court.
Activities include hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, in-line skating, nature viewing, bird watching, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.
The facilities may include a combination of fields for baseball, softball, soccer and football; tennis courts; skateboard parks, in-line skating rinks, aquatic centers and recreation centers.
Having a cement pad will allow it to be used for such activities as street hockey and in-line skating.
Youngsters were seen out in groups jogging, cycling, in-line skating and playing football, mostly without wearing any masks to protect them from the haze.
Bicycle helmets can also be worn when in-line skating or roller skating, but skateboarders or skaters who perform tricks should consider helmets made for such activities.
The park offers a road for biking and in-line skating, as well as birdwatching, hiking, and picnicking.
The club fosters speed or in-line skating along with artistic on the more traditionally styled roller skates.
Transponder timing is used in sporting events around the world, including running races, marathons, triathlons, cycling and mountain biking competitions, in-line skating and cross-country skiing.

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