inlet valve u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za inlet valve u rečniku engleski»italijanski

inlet [Brit ˈɪnlɛt, Am ˈɪnˌlɛt, ˈɪnˌlət] N

valve [Brit valv, Am vælv] N

inlet valve u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Once the unit is tripped (i.e., the steam inlet valve is closed), the turbine coasts down towards standstill.
Engine oil pressure, moves the internal piston which rotates slightly due to the helical splines and advances the inlet valve timing by 25 degrees.
As fuel is used up, the float drops, opening the inlet valve and admitting fuel.
The new pressure carburetor design replaced the float-operated fuel inlet valve with a servo-operated poppet-style fuel metering valve.

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