time-switch u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za time-switch u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.switch [Brit swɪtʃ, Am swɪtʃ] N

1. switch (change):

1. switch (change):

I.time [Brit tʌɪm, Am taɪm] N

2. time (specific duration):

3. time (hour of the day, night):

ora f
è ora

4. time (era, epoch):

5. time (moment):

6. time (occasion):

7. time (experience):

III.to time oneself VB refl

to make time with sb Am inf
time please! Brit (in pub)

time-switch u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za time-switch u rečniku engleski»italijanski

1. time:

2. time (period):

access time COMPUT
extra time SPORTS


prov time heals all wounds prov
to do time inf

III.time [taɪm] ADJ SPORTS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

However, as you leave the last houses behind, it still feels as if someone has thrown a scenic time switch.
On defense, the player may at any time switch control between any member of the team.
Time switches to slow motion.
The electric pump is to be arranged to be turned on and off at regular intervals by the time switch to administer (fairly) precise and regular water quantities.
The time switches are sometimes a bit bewildering and ultimately don't serve her purpose well because they break up the narrative without compensating for this with any obvious gain.
He thinks employers with large numbers of employees, like manufacturing companies or sales organizations, would have a much tougher time switching to unlimited time off.
The question is when will they make the full time switch.
It's going to be an emotional time switching cities and switching teams.
However, a time switch (shabbat clock) can be set to turn a light on and off at fixed times.
Therefore, older adults have a difficult time switching from task 1 to task 2 that is most profound when either the first or second task is difficult.

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