hold with u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za hold with u rečniku engleski»italijanski

with [Brit wɪð, Am wɪð, wɪθ] PREP

1. with (in descriptions):

I.hold1 <pt held, pp held, holden arch> [Brit həʊld, Am hoʊld] VB trans

II.hold1 <pt held, pp held, holden arch> [Brit həʊld, Am hoʊld] VB intr

III.to hold oneself VB refl

IV.hold1 [Brit həʊld, Am hoʊld] N

hold2 [Brit həʊld, Am hoʊld] N

hold with u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za hold with u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

He attributes this to having used racquets of the same weight throughout his career, which were too heavy for a six-year-old starting off a career to hold with one hand.
This is because it is assumed that the correct partial key will cause the approximation to hold with a high bias.
They decide to sink the ship by flooding the hold with fuel and detonating it.
Typically, the child is put in a lap hold with the arms pinned down, or alternatively an adult lies on top of a child lying prone on the floor.
A more entrepreneurial culture will have to take hold with a more positive attitude towards risk-taking, and a capacity to innovate anticipating future trends.
We decided to hold with the current weight.
The metal frame also makes it more comfortable to hold with one hand.
Child grabs hold with the first page and won't let go until the finish.
Thus began the rivalry the schools hold with each other until this day.
This does not hold with four regions.

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