check on u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za check on u rečniku engleski»italijanski

check on VB [tʃɛk -] (check on [sb, sth])

I.check up on VB [tʃɛk -] (check up on [sb])

II.check up on VB [tʃɛk -] (check up on [sth])

Prevodi za check on u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.check1 [Brit tʃɛk, Am tʃɛk] N

II.check1 [Brit tʃɛk, Am tʃɛk] INTERJ

14. check Am (tick) → check-off check oneself VB refl

vidi i check-off

I.check2 [Brit tʃɛk, Am tʃɛk] N

II.check2 [Brit tʃɛk, Am tʃɛk] ADJ before n

␂enitenre-Brit-s␂on behalf of␂enitenre-Am-s␂in behalf of">

I.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] PREP

1. on (position):

II.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] ADV

III.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] ADJ

IV.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn]

check on u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za check on u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

She is a housewife who enjoys parties and often serves as a civilizing check on her cowboy husband.
She enjoys playing anime-themed fighting games, and also likes to check on new and trendy things, never failing to miss one.
The priest's guide was his clerk, and they often made the journey to check on the condition of the bishop.
Indeed, it was a major check on the continued evolution of the socio-economic live of the area.
Up to 125 personnel were deployed to check on residents who were still at home and to assist those in need.
War as a check on population is examined.
The farmers return home to check on their animals, shower and eat lunch.
With these guidelines in place, civil society has the ability to keep a check on the power of government officials.
When a player is in check, his opponent must remove the check on his next turn or lose the game.
He had routinely made preliminary and follow-up field trips to check on projects they had donated to.

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