free-throw u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za free-throw u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.throw [Brit θrəʊ, Am θroʊ] N

II.throw <pt threw, pp thrown> [Brit θrəʊ, Am θroʊ] VB trans

1. throw (project):

2. throw (direct) fig:

dare (at a)
fare (at a)

III.throw <pt threw, pp thrown> [Brit θrəʊ, Am θroʊ] VB intr throw oneself VB refl [Brit friː, Am fri] ADJ

1. free (unhindered, unrestricted):

2. free (not captive or tied):

3. free (devoid):

free of or from tax ECON

III.also free period N SCHOOL [Brit friː, Am fri] ADV free oneself VB refl (from chains, wreckage)

also free thought">

free-throw u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za free-throw u rečniku engleski»italijanski <-r, -est> [fri:] ADJ

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Originally, the width of the lane was narrower than that of the free throw circle, giving the appearance of a skeleton key.
One amazing statistic about this team is that they averaged almost 80% accuracy as a team from the free throw line for the season.
In the free throw motion, the arm will no longer be able to use the triceps to extend the shoulder or extend the elbow.
The game introduces personal fouls for each shove on another player; after a certain number of fouls the opposing team gets a free throw.
Wall swished the first free throw, but the second clanged off the glass.

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