nitrogen u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

nitrogen u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za nitrogen u rečniku engleski»italijanski (Pređite na italijanski»engleski)

Prevodi za nitrogen u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Air (mainly nitrogen) is preferred as a gas because it is fast.
Ideal gas relationships are often used to properly design, test and analyze the performance of these machines when the working gas is air or nitrogen.
Cabin pressure was maintained at around 3.5 psi by adding oxygen and nitrogen to the cabin air as necessary.
The ribosylation takes place when reduced nitrogen is present and it causes a barrier in the electron transfer flow and thereby inactivates nitrogenase activity.
Amides are the most stable of the carbonyl couplings due to their high resonance stabilization between the nitrogen-carbon and carbon-oxygen bonds.
It has a structure with a cycloheptene ring, with a nitrogen bridge, and a carboxylic acid side chain.
In borazine, the boron and nitrogen atoms alternate around the ring.
Food is packed in nitrogen to remove oxygen gas.
In the third step, an isomerization step protonates the nitrogen atom leading to the amide.
Nitrogen makes up 2.5% of a typical human by weight.

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