dirty old man u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za dirty old man u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.dirty [Brit ˈdəːti, Am ˈdərdi] ADJ

II.dirty [Brit ˈdəːti, Am ˈdərdi] ADV inf

III.dirty [Brit ˈdəːti, Am ˈdərdi] VB trans

I.man <pl men> [Brit man, Am mæn] N

1. man (adult male):

a leg, bum man inf
my little man (to a child) inf

III.man [Brit man, Am mæn] INTERJ

IV.man <forma in -ing manning, pt, pp manned> [Brit man, Am mæn] VB trans

I.old [Brit əʊld, Am oʊld] ADJ

2. old (of a particular age):

II.old [Brit əʊld, Am oʊld] N

dirty old man u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za dirty old man u rečniku engleski»italijanski

II.dirty <-ier, -iest> [ˈdɜ:r·t̬i] ADJ

III.dirty [ˈdɜ:r·t̬i] ADV

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

But thankfully he refrains from turning his character into a dirty old man.
Dirty old man and pretty young girl.
I'm just a dirty old man now!
If he were a conservative, he'd be called a dirty old man.
A dirty old man's laugh honks down the hotel corridor, as if someone has just told a rude joke.
Plays the part of the dirty old man.
The author could certainly be considered a dirty old man.
It is the story of someone who made a big mistake, tying in with a major world event and a nosey, somewhat dirty old man, and it is fascinating.
Sketchbooks from 1964 to 1982 show the evolution of the cartoon world's most notorious dirty old man.
Yuk- he's a filthy, dirty old man.

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