come from u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za come from u rečniku engleski»italijanski (Pređite na italijanski»engleski)

Prevodi za come from u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

Prevodi za come from u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.come <pt came, pp come> [Brit kʌm, Am kəm] VB trans

II.come <pt came, pp come> [Brit kʌm, Am kəm] VB intr

1. come (arrive):

12. come (be situated):

III.come [Brit kʌm, Am kəm] INTERJ (reassuringly)

IV.come [Brit kʌm, Am kəm] N inf (sperm)

from [Brit frɒm, frəm, Am frəm] PREP When from is used as a straightforward preposition in English, it is translated by da in Italian: from Rome = da Roma; from Lisa = da Lisa. Remember that the preposition from + the is translated by one word in Italian; the following cases may occur: from the cinema = (da + il) dal cinema; from the stadium = (da + lo) dallo stadio; from the church = (da + la) dalla chiesa; from the hospital, from the abbey, from the hotel = (da + l') dall'ospedale, dall'abbazia, dall'hotel; from the mountains = (da + i) dai monti; from the open spaces = (da + gli) dagli spazi aperti; from the houses = (da + le) dalle case. - From is often used after verbs in English (suffer from, benefit from, protect from etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (suffer, benefit, protect etc.). - From is used after certain nouns and adjectives in English (shelter from, exemption from, free from, safe from etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate noun or adjective entry (shelter, exemption, free, safe, etc.).

1. from (indicating place of origin):

a tunnel from X to Y
la strada (che va) da A a B

come from u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za come from u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

With us, it is something internal that does not come from the same motives, but from other causes.
They showed immense character to come from behind in the first half to win the match.
A remarkable sum bearing in mind it had nearly all come from the results of his medical practice.
These sounds come from former and t, respectively.
Seventy percent of my nutrients come from fresh air.
Board members come from a cross-section of disciplines and denominations.
All six children slept on the floor and often did not know where their next meal would come from.
This observation gave rise to the hypothesis that the two lineages come from the same precursor, termed hemangioblast.
We both do a lot of writing in notebooks and that's where our song lyrics come from.
Most of the countrys mojarra, oysters and shrimp come from here.

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