pump out u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za pump out u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.pump1 [Brit pʌmp, Am pəmp] N

pump2 [Brit pʌmp, Am pəmp] N

I.out [Brit aʊt, Am aʊt] ADV Out is used after many verbs in English to alter or reinforce the meaning of the verb (hold out, wipe out, filter out etc.). Very often in Italian, a verb alone will be used to translate those combinations; for translations you should consult the appropriate verb entry (hold , wipe, filter etc.). - When out is used as an adverb meaning outside, it often adds little to the sense of the phrase: they're out in the garden = they're in the garden; in such cases out will not usually be translated: sono in giardino. - Out is used as an adverb to mean absent or not at home. In this case she's out really means she's gone out and the Italian translation is: è uscita. - For the phrase out of, see II1 in this entry. - For examples of the above and other uses, see this entry.

IV.out [Brit aʊt, Am aʊt] N inf (means of escape, excuse)

pump out u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za pump out u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

There is also a jetty which has a pump out for marine toilet holding tanks.
A few local birders still sometimes pump out water into the river to keep the pools low to attract waders.
The trucks are used in the cleaning of sanitary sewer lift stations and in the pump out of grease interceptors that are required at many restaurants.
The electrical contact plays an important role to pump out charges in the surface of the tip.
In any stance, she can pump out over 30% with relative ease, making her one of the deadliest in the hands of a beginner or a master.
Most casing heads allow for the pressure readings to be taken on the annulus and provide the means to pump out or into if necessary.
Their resistance to most antibiotics is attributed to efflux pumps, which pump out some antibiotics before the antibiotics are able to act.
They had to walk 1520 miles (2432 km) a day, pump out the barges and tend the animals.
If the cell can pump out enough solutes so that an isotonic environment can be achieved, there will be no net movement of water.
The miners brought in electric pumps to help pump out the water.

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