cast down u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za cast down u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.cast1 [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] N

II.cast1 <pt/pp cast> [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] VB trans

III.cast1 <pt/pp cast> [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] VB intr FISH

I.cast2 [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] N

II.cast2 <pt/pp cast> [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] VB trans

I.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] ADV Down often occurs as the second element in verb combinations in English (go down fall down get down keep down put down etc). For translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (fall, get, keep, put etc.). - When used after such verbs as sit or lie down implies the action being done. Compare the following examples and their translations: she is sitting = lei siede/è seduta; she is sitting down = lei si siede/si sta sedendo. - When used to indicate vague direction, down often has no explicit translation in Italian: to go down to London = andare a Londra down in Brighton = a Brighton. - For examples and further usages, see this entry.

2. down (indicating position at lower level):

II.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] PREP

III.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] ADJ

V.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] N

down2 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] N

Down [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn]

cast down u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za cast down u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

And then he simply stays silent, eyes cast down, hands in his lap.
It was a time-consuming business, and printers were eager to keep the numbers of characters they had to carve, strike, and cast down to a minimum.
Ambition, "she said," was cast down.
Twelve priests should stand about the bishop, holding in their hands lighted torches, which at the conclusion of the anathema or excommunication they should cast down and trample under foot.
And he had no one there to correct him -- his eyes were cast down.
We are cast down but not in despair.
At the time of our greatest success, the enlargement to 25, we find ourselves cast down by doubts and recriminations.
The nymph grips onto the tree bark with all of its legs, swallows air and redistributes haemolymph to split the cast down the center of its back.
To create a solid, these solutions are cast down and the long stabilizing ligands are replaced with short-chain crosslinkers.
It has witnessed different empires which were raised, flourished, and then cast down near oblivion by a successor kingdom built up on the relics of its predecessor.

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