ox-eye daisy u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za ox-eye daisy u rečniku engleski»italijanski

ox <pl oxen> [Brit ɒks, Am ɑks] N

I.eye [Brit ʌɪ, Am aɪ] N

1. eye ANAT:

to get one's eye in Brit SPORTS
“my eye!” inf
“eyes right, left!” MIL

2. eye (ogle) inf → eye up

vidi i eye up

Daisy [Brit ˈdeɪzi, Am ˈdeɪzi]

daisy [Brit ˈdeɪzi, Am ˈdeɪzi] N

ox-eye daisy u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za ox-eye daisy u rečniku engleski»italijanski


daisy <-ies> [ˈdeɪ·zi] N

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

It contains numerous uncommon plant species characteristic of unimproved grassland, such as greater bird's-foot trefoil, common knapweed and ox-eye daisy.
Flowering plants within the grassland areas include: birdsfoot trefoil, buttercup, clover, flax, ox-eye daisy, and vetch.
Many wild flowers can be found such as shepherd's purse, ox-eye daisy, white campion and meadow saxifrage.
There are also many wild plants such as corn mint, hairy buttercup, sea aster and ox-eye daisy.
It contains approximately 150 species of flowers and plants, which include meadow saxifrage, ox-eye daisy and common knapweed.

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