to give oneself u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za to give oneself u rečniku engleski»italijanski (Pređite na italijanski»engleski)

Prevodi za to give oneself u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

Prevodi za to give oneself u rečniku engleski»italijanski

oneself [Brit wʌnˈsɛlf, Am ˌwənˈsɛlf] PRON When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, oneself is translated by si : to hurt oneself = farsi male; to enjoy oneself = divertirsi. - When used in emphasis the translation is o se stesso : to do something oneself = fare qualcosa da sé. - For particular usages see this entry.

I.give <pt gave, pp given> [Brit ɡɪv, Am ɡɪv] VB trans

1. give (hand over) person:

dare (to a)
give it (to) me!, give me it!

4. give (allow, accord):

II.give <pt gave, pp given> [Brit ɡɪv, Am ɡɪv] VB intr

3. give (yield, break) → give way sign give oneself VB refl

IV.give [Brit ɡɪv, Am ɡɪv] N

what gives? inf

vidi i give way sign

to give oneself u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za to give oneself u rečniku engleski»italijanski

oneself [wʌn·ˈself] PRON reflexive

1. give (offer, organize):

I don't give a damn inf

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Another use is to wrap it around the handle of a softball or baseball bat to give oneself a better grip.

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