sally out u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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I.sally [Brit ˈsali, Am ˈsæli] N

Sally1 [Brit ˈsali, Am ˈsæli], Sally Army [ˌsælɪˈɑːmɪ] N Brit inf

Sally2 [Brit ˈsali, Am ˈsæli]

I.out [Brit aʊt, Am aʊt] ADV Out is used after many verbs in English to alter or reinforce the meaning of the verb (hold out, wipe out, filter out etc.). Very often in Italian, a verb alone will be used to translate those combinations; for translations you should consult the appropriate verb entry (hold , wipe, filter etc.). - When out is used as an adverb meaning outside, it often adds little to the sense of the phrase: they're out in the garden = they're in the garden; in such cases out will not usually be translated: sono in giardino. - Out is used as an adverb to mean absent or not at home. In this case she's out really means she's gone out and the Italian translation is: è uscita. - For the phrase out of, see II1 in this entry. - For examples of the above and other uses, see this entry.

IV.out [Brit aʊt, Am aʊt] N inf (means of escape, excuse)

sally out u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za sally out u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

From such perches they will sally out for considerable distances to catch insects in flight, to which purpose they utilize a range of aerobatic maneuvers.
He therefore decided to wait, in the hope that the defenders, tiring of the siege, would sally out to fight him in the open.
Grey-capped flycatchers sally out from an open perch in a tree to catch insects in flight.
Reclusive ground-nesting birds that sally out at night to hunt for large insects and similar prey.
They hunt in continuous flight or sally out from perches.
They remained bases for troops that would sally out and engage the enemy in the field.
These mounted crossbowmen could sally out from the rear ranks to provide a skirmish screen or a preliminary barrage of bolts.
They sally out for prey, taken in flight or the ground.
Boat-billed flycatchers wait on a concealed perch high in a tree and sally out to catch insects in flight.

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