about u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za about u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.about [Brit əˈbaʊt, Am əˈbaʊt] ADV About is used after certain nouns, adjectives and verbs in English (information about, a book about, curious about, worry about etc.); for translations, consult the appropriate entry (book, information, curious, worry etc.). - About often appears in British English as the second element of certain verb structures (move about, rummage about, lie about etc.); for translations, consult the relevant entries (move, rummage, lie etc.) - Please note that circa, the Italian translation of about meaning approximately, can either precede or follow the expression it modifies: at about 6 pm = alle 18 circa/circa alle 18; about 25 students = 25 studenti circa/circa 25 studenti.

II.about [Brit əˈbaʊt, Am əˈbaʊt] PREP

III.about [Brit əˈbaʊt, Am əˈbaʊt] ADJ

IV.about [Brit əˈbaʊt, Am əˈbaʊt] VB trans

V.about [Brit əˈbaʊt, Am əˈbaʊt]

II.bugger about VB [ˈbʌɡə -] Brit inf (bugger [sb] about)

forget about VB [fəˈɡɛt -] (forget about [sth, sb]) (overlook)

vidi i look around

talked-about [Brit ˈtɔːktəbaʊt, Am ˈtɑktəˌbaʊt] ADJ

about u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za about u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.about ·ˈbaʊt] PREP

II.about ·ˈbaʊt] ADV

about Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

to be up in arms about …
I don't give a damn about …
me ne faccio un baffo di vulg

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

He had about 20 officers with a budget of about $5 million a year and an equal or greater sum for liaison with Guatemalan military.
The coracles are about 2.24 m in diameter, but still can take a load of eight persons at a time.
He writes well and regularly blogs about his life as a cabby.
It narrates all about the discrimination in the society, in the system and all above.
Buses and taxis are available for going to sanctuary, form where in you have to walk about 3 km to reach inside the sanctuary.
I took the announcement matter-of-factly, although wondering what it could be all about.
My clients will never have to worry about this new captcha-reading software.
The question marks indicate the uncertainty of the authors about the correctness of the move.
About 14 contestants will be competing for the title.
Is an ad about the auto bailout more likely to persuade upscale or downscale voters?

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