joy ride u Oksfordovom rečniku španskog jezika

Prevodi za joy ride u rečniku engleski»španski

joy [Am dʒɔɪ, Brit dʒɔɪ] N

I.ride <pt rode, pp ridden> [Am raɪd, Brit rʌɪd] VB trans

II.ride <pt rode, pp ridden> [Am raɪd, Brit rʌɪd] VB intr

1.1. ride (on animal):

andar a caballo LatAm
ir a andar a caballo LatAm

III.ride [Am raɪd, Brit rʌɪd] N

1. ride (on horse, in vehicle etc):

to take sb for a ride inf
to take sb for a ride inf
to take sb for a ride inf
agarrar a alguien de punto RioPl inf

joy ride u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za joy ride u rečniku engleski»španski

I.ride [raɪd] rode, ridden rode, ridden N

II.ride [raɪd] rode, ridden rode, ridden VB trans

III.ride [raɪd] rode, ridden rode, ridden VB intr

Američki engleski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Most of the oils are designed to take you on a culinary joy ride.
The joy ride goes south, however, when a skeleton hog rider spoils the fun by attempting to serve up some high-speed mayhem of his own.
Two children were taken for a short joy ride after the car they were in was briefly stolen.
Well the wheels had certainly come off that joy ride.
And no one said dealing with the future is going to be a joy ride.
Often the cars are stolen and during the joy ride they record the action on their phones.
Their one dollar joy ride was a sensation.
Another example might be taking a joy ride in a car, never intending to keep it from the owner.
The schools, he said, are not taking the money and going on a joy ride.
The ropeway attracts scores of tourists for the 5km joy ride during peak season.

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