book value u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za book value u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.value [Brit ˈvaljuː, Am ˈvælju] N

II.value [Brit ˈvaljuː, Am ˈvælju] VB trans [Brit bʊk, Am bʊk] N

1. book (reserve):

book value u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za book value u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The book value of these horses was placed at $4,200 in 1889, with their market value being higher.
For companies in distress, the book value is usually calculated without the intangible assets that would have no resale value.
That is a total of 86bn of loans, at net book value.
If noncash assets are sold for more than their book value, a gain on the sale is recognized.
Perhaps more importantly, the sale proved that these hotels were worth double their book value, demonstrating the underlying value of the company's real estate holdings.
Allowing for 10% "per annum" depreciation, her book value at the time of the loss was 10,828 0s 2d.
The book value of a partner's interest is shown by the credit balance of the partner's capital account.
In addition, while cash flow is affected by inflation, the book value of assets is not.
It's clearly just an elaborate ruse to drum up publicity and rewrite the book value of all his other work.
This led to a reduction of company's assets, the book value of which has already been drastically discounted.

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