bookwork u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za bookwork u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

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Initially, she intended spending just a few days eachy week doing bookwork, but now she found herself working in the retail outlet six days a week, she said.
This means that you have two years to absorb as much bookwork as you can/want in a relatively non-pressured environment.
The other days of the week are spent on bookwork and assignments.
We had the bookwork down pat, our numbers were solid, our argument convincing.
From the stress of getting paddocks sown before the rain, stock in good health for lambing, bookwork up to date for the end of financial year, writing submissions completed.
I intensely dislike the bookwork and the work that goes with it.
It's more about everyday juggling involvement with farm, family, church, bookwork, the phone and helping out in the community.
I do like the idea of a fee going to the administrator for doing the bookwork and record keeping.
As a young person you're also prepared to do everything in the business - administration, sales, marketing, bookwork.
It is bookwork with numbers and can be learnt in a classroom.

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