compulsory purchase order u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za compulsory purchase order u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Prevodi za compulsory purchase order u rečniku engleski»italijanski

compulsory [Brit kəmˈpʌls(ə)ri, Am kəmˈpəlsəri] ADJ

I.purchase [Brit ˈpəːtʃɪs, Am ˈpərtʃəs] N

II.purchase [Brit ˈpəːtʃɪs, Am ˈpərtʃəs] VB trans

I.order [Brit ˈɔːdə, Am ˈɔrdər] N

5. order (command):

6. order COMM:

8. order (correct procedure):

the order of the day MIL, POL

III.order [Brit ˈɔːdə, Am ˈɔrdər] VB trans

IV.order [Brit ˈɔːdə, Am ˈɔrdər] VB intr

compulsory purchase order u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za compulsory purchase order u rečniku engleski»italijanski

compulsory [kəm·ˈpʌl··ri] ADJ

II.purchase [ˈpɜ:r·tʃəs] N

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

In housing, more clearance areas and compulsory purchase orders were introduced, and new sites were found for building.
This building was falling down, if it held such historical significence, then why was a compulsory purchase order placed on it?
The authority said that work to establish whether there were grounds for making a compulsory purchase order for the airport was continuing.
In 2008, rumours circulated that the venue might be subject to a compulsory purchase order and closed down as part of a multi-million pound redevelopment scheme for the town centre.
In early 2005 the government promised to purchase the property; by compulsory purchase order if necessary.
He increased the number of compulsory purchase orders for private-rented properties, converting them to council housing.
Similarly, if town councils wish to develop a town centre, they may issue compulsory purchase orders.
Part of the film shows an 82 year-old being forcefully evicted from her freehold house after a compulsory purchase order.
The land was acquired in 1986 through a compulsory purchase order and compensation paid by the government.
Then there will be objections to the line order for the route of the road, the side roads order and the compulsory purchase order.

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