compulsory purchase u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za compulsory purchase u rečniku engleski»italijanski

compulsory [Brit kəmˈpʌls(ə)ri, Am kəmˈpəlsəri] ADJ

I.purchase [Brit ˈpəːtʃɪs, Am ˈpərtʃəs] N

II.purchase [Brit ˈpəːtʃɪs, Am ˈpərtʃəs] VB trans

compulsory purchase u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za compulsory purchase u rečniku engleski»italijanski

compulsory [kəm·ˈpʌl··ri] ADJ

II.purchase [ˈpɜ:r·tʃəs] N

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Construction started in 1952 after the compulsory purchase of a number of pre-existing farms.
No one could predict when the compulsory purchase powers would be exercised or what the value of the site would then be.
She represented local objectors in compulsory purchase and planning inquiries.
In early 2005 the government promised to purchase the property; by compulsory purchase order if necessary.
This led to the enactment of compulsory purchase powers from 1909 (see below).
Farms and buildings still remaining in private hands were acquired by compulsory purchase.
However, the site was issued with a compulsory purchase order and demolition began in 1968.
It also required compulsory purchase of the site.
Finally, the government also continued to reserve the right of compulsory purchase of copyrights, but this right was not often exercised.
Exceeding the maximum selling price can result in compulsory purchase of the apartment, to the loss of the buyer.

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