patch together u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za patch together u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.together [Brit təˈɡɛðə, Am təˈɡɛðər] ADV Together in its main adverbial senses is almost always translated by insieme. - Together frequently occurs as the second element in certain verb combinations (get together pull together put together tie together etc.): for translations for these, see the appropriate verb entry (get, pull, put, tie etc.). - For examples and further uses, see this entry.

1. together (as a pair or group):

II.together [Brit təˈɡɛðə, Am təˈɡɛðər] ADJ inf

III.together [Brit təˈɡɛðə, Am təˈɡɛðər]

I.patch <pl patches> [Brit patʃ, Am pætʃ] N

patch together u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za patch together u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.together [tə·ˈge·ðɚ] ADV

II.together [tə·ˈge·ðɚ] ADJ inf

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Politicians are beginning a process to patch together a short-term interim government.
They're still trying to patch together a unity government when there is no government.
They use a technique called "lucky imaging", where they use sophisticated software to patch together the clearest frames from a video image and then put them together.
Was the network having a contest to see which video producer could patch together the most embarrassingly juvenile highlight reel?
Stern continued on with the program over a phone line as engineers worked to quickly patch together the severed broadcast wire.
Whether you're trying to patch together $100 for a youth trip or $100 million to pay for a facility upgrade, fundraising can be an arduous task.
And when they were homeless, it's this having to patch together all these different programs, and you're just barely on the edge of surviving.
He rejected the idea of trying to string another season together, of trying to patch together what had once been seamless.
This left only the local sandlotters to pick up the pieces and try to patch together a respectable season for 1907.
All of the discussion centred around what could be done to patch together the old place.

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