fine u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za fine u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.fine1 [Brit fʌɪn, Am faɪn] ADJ

II.fine1 [Brit fʌɪn, Am faɪn] ADV

I.fine2 [Brit fʌɪn, Am faɪn] N

fine-spun [Am ˈfaɪnˌspən] ADJ

extra-fine [Brit ˌɛkstrəˈfʌɪn, Am ˌɛkstrəˈfaɪn] ADJ

fine tuning [ˌfaɪnˈtjuːnɪŋ, -ˈtuːnɪŋ] N MECH

fine-grained [Am ˈfaɪnˌɡreɪnd] ADJ

I.fine-drawn [ˌfaɪnˈdrɔːn] VB pp

fine-drawn → fine-draw

II.fine-drawn [ˌfaɪnˈdrɔːn] ADJ

vidi i fine-draw

fine grain [ˌfaɪnˈɡreɪn] ADJ PHOTO

medium-fine [Brit ˌmiːdɪəmˈfʌɪn] ADJ

fine u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za fine u rečniku engleski»italijanski (Pređite na italijanski»engleski)

I.fine2 [faɪn] N (penalty)

II.fine2 [faɪn] VB trans (order to pay penalty)

fine-tooth comb [ˌfaɪn·tu:θ·ˈkoʊm] N

Prevodi za fine u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

fine Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

how are you? — I'm fine, thanks
that's all very fine, but
it's all very fine …, but
va benissimo …, però
a fine figure of a man
you're a fine one to talk inf
to pick a fine time to do sth iron
to be let off with a fine
you're a fine one to talk!

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Gray also built up huge collections of fine art, antique books and rare plants.
Such figures corresponded to 635 tonnes of fine gold, or 20.42 million troy ounces.
Libel is punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or up to two years for libelous material disseminated through the mass media.
Affable and blessed with immaculate manners, he had a fine sense of humour, not of the belly-laugh variety but the dry chortle and wide smile.
She has honed her skills to such a fine degree that they have become second nature to her and are now instinct.
Rays are moderately fine to medium-sized, visible to the naked eye on the cross-section.
Many wildlife species use its acorns as food, and cherrybark oak makes a fine shade tree.
Had it been elevenses time, a small fried snack would have been fine.
On top of this is a combination of slowly permeable and well drained fine loam over clay.
We play gentle lounge music, and operate as a relaxed fine dining venue.

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