dries u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za dries u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.dry [Brit drʌɪ, Am draɪ] ADJ

1. dry (not wet or moist):

II.dry [Brit drʌɪ, Am draɪ] N Brit POL

V.to dry oneself VB refl

dry slope [Brit, Am ˈdraɪ ˌsloʊp], dry ski slope [draɪˈskiːˌsləʊp] N

dry-clean [Brit ˌdrʌɪˈkliːn, Am ˈdraɪˌklin] VB trans

tumble-dry [Brit tʌmb(ə)lˈdrʌɪ, Am ˈtəmbəlˌdraɪ] VB trans

smoke-dry [Am ˈsmoʊkˌdraɪ] VB trans

dry-cleaner [Brit ˌdrʌɪˈkliːnə] N

dry measure [Am draɪ ˈmɛʒər] N

medium-dry [Brit miːdɪəmˈdrʌɪ, Am ˌmidiəmˈdraɪ] ADJ

I.dry-shod [Am ˈdraɪˌʃɑd] ADJ arch

II.dry-shod [Am ˈdraɪˌʃɑd] ADV arch

dry shampoo [Am draɪ ʃæmˈpu] N

dries u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za dries u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.dry <-ier [or -er], -iest [or -est]> [draɪ] ADJ

dries Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The paper is dampened so it can be moulded easily, the final model keeps its shape when it dries.
Because of the unique properties of a chamois leather, it absorbs water, and dries with a streak-free shine.
Old earwax is constantly being transported from the deeper areas of the ear canal out to the opening where it usually dries, flakes, and falls out.
It will wick water away from your garment so it dries more quickly.
I would use a straightener very often on my hair which dries it out.
Looking just like a regular ballpoint pen, the pen's ink consists of a solution of real silver that dries to leave electrically conductive silver pathways.
Oil paint dries at different rates due to the differing siccative properties of the constituent pigment.
The reservoir eventually dries out, since there is no method for returning liquid.
Others see something edible or drinkable and desire it but it withers or dries up before their eyes.
Grass dries up, the vegetation turns reddish brown, and a veil of fine dust hangs over the country, causing the skies to be overcast.

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