Big Smoke u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za Big Smoke u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.smoke [Brit sməʊk, Am smoʊk] N

big [Brit bɪɡ, Am bɪɡ] ADJ

Big Smoke u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za Big Smoke u rečniku engleski»italijanski

big <-ger, -gest> [bɪg] ADJ

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

If you're a strong woman, move to the big smoke, and mix in cosmopolitan circles where your assertiveness will be appreciated, not abhorred.
During peak hour, buses leave every five minutes and take 80 minutes to reach the big smoke.
For buyers living in the big smoke, they should be close to ideal.
Lump hardwood charcoal and wood chips in the smoker deliver the options for high heat grilling or low and slow big smoke flavours.
Sounds like your all playing favourites down there in the big smoke.
Clearly a different economy than the big smoke.
If you're looking to escape the big smoke for a couple of hours this weekend, this is the place to go.
I don't see so much of it in the big smoke.
Have a gander at the musical map, and check out which songs are currently trending in your nearest big smoke, below.
Dean said he enjoyed writing "his first book", but for the rest of the group's stay in the big smoke, less taxing pursuits beckoned.

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