legal aid u rečniku francuskog jezika Oksford‒Hašet

Prevodi za legal aid u rečniku engleski»francuski

I.aid [Brit eɪd, Am eɪd] N

legal [Brit ˈliːɡ(ə)l, Am ˈliɡəl] ADJ

legal aid u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za legal aid u rečniku engleski»francuski

1. AID Am → Agency for International Development

Američki engleski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The firm is known predominantly for its continued commitment to legal aid whilst also undertaking privately funded work.
Further, they provide free legal aid to the consumers to get their grievance redressed legally in consumer courts.
They are involved in providing direct legal aid to the poor as well as reforming dysfunctional laws and policies.
This resource was built and is maintained in partnership with hundreds of legal aid, pro bono and court-based programs across the country.
There he introduced a range of reforming measures aimed at modernising the legal aid system.
The move was precipitated because of disagreements with his old firm when he had organised protests against cuts in legal aid.
Victims receive multidisciplinary support including medical and psychological care and legal aid.
When necessary, victims were sent to specific shelters, which also provided psychological and legal aid.
The purpose of the act was to provide government-funded legal aid to indigent clients, funded through grants to regional entities throughout the country.
He refused all offers of legal aid and would not participate in the trial.

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