senior school u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za senior school u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.senior [Brit ˈsiːnɪə, ˈsiːnjə, Am ˈsinjər] ADJ

II.senior [Brit ˈsiːnɪə, ˈsiːnjə, Am ˈsinjər] N

I.school1 [Brit skuːl, Am skul] N

1. school: school oneself VB refl

I.school2 [Brit skuːl, Am skul] N

II.school2 [Brit skuːl, Am skul] VB intr (of whales, dolphins, porpoises)

senior school u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za senior school u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Many member schools are independent prep schools while others are known as tied-house or junior schools, where they have an attached senior school.
Like the senior school before it, the junior school is very successful, and soon outgrew its premises.
In 1953, the school commenced classes for senior school pupils.
It consists of a preparatory department for the ages of 4-10 and a senior school for pupils aged 1118.
Pupils may be enrolled as young as 3 in the pre-preparatory school, and continue through to 18 at the senior school.
Three years later, he became a senior school inspector.
It is approximately 3 mi north of the senior school, and is situated on a 40acre m2 site.
The preparatory school uniform differs slightly from that of the senior school.
The building contains five classrooms for the use of all three grades as many middle school classes are held in senior school classrooms.
The senior school is divided into eleven houses; 6 for boys, 4 for girls and one mixed.

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