easier u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za easier u rečniku engleski»srpski

I.easy <-ier, -iest [or more easy, most easy]> ['iːzi] ADJ

II.easy <-ier, -iest [or more easy, most easy]> ['iːzi] ADV

III.easy <-ier, -iest [or more easy, most easy]> ['iːzi] INTERJ inf

easy-'go·ing ADJ approv

Pojedinačni prevodilački parovi

easier Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

easier said than done

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

How well it works depends on the heating system, the engine, the type of vegetable oil (thinner is easier), and the climate (warmer is easier).
For a small window it is unpractical to have a curtain, blinds are a much easier solution.
Once you develop a regular routine, it's easier to go on automatic pilot.
These atomic commits allow for greater understandability, less effort to roll back changes, easier bug identification.
Children who sleep through the night and have few night waking episodes have higher cognitive attainments and easier temperaments than other children.
This pedagogical movement flourished, and led ultimately to the invention of shape notes, which originated as way to making the teaching of singing easier.
We very soon came to realise how much easier it was to make war than to reorganise for peace.
The snack is a flat, pectin-based fruit-flavored snack, wrapped around a piece of cellophane for easier removal.
All truths may be expressed as appropriate combinations of concepts, which can in turn be decomposed into simple ideas, rendering the analysis much easier.
Buildings that have been designed with deconstruction in mind are often easier to maintain and adapt to new uses.

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