starter home u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za starter home u rečniku engleski»italijanski

starter [Brit ˈstɑːtə, Am ˈstɑrdər] N

I.home [Brit həʊm, Am hoʊm] N

1. home:

II.home [Brit həʊm, Am hoʊm] ADJ before n

III.home [Brit həʊm, Am hoʊm] ADV

starter home u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za starter home u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Six in 10 showed interest in purchasing a starter home.
But this will not be enough to command a mortgage adequate to buy a starter home in the outer suburbs.
It would make a lovely starter home or ideal for those who want to downsize.
The 25th percentile house is one possible proxy for the price of a starter home.
It is located within walking distance of local shops and will make a great starter home of a wonderful investment property.
Another compromise associated with the new financial timetable concerns the idea of buying a starter home and then moving up to something larger.
It would make a fine investment or starter home.
There's little agreement on what a starter home is.
Even as a starter home, the arrangement isn't ideal.
The three-and-a-half times income cap should keep prices under control at the starter home level.

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