slum clearance u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za slum clearance u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.slum [Brit slʌm, Am sləm] N

II.also slum it <forma in -ing slumming, pt, pp slummed> VB intr inf

I.clearance [Brit ˈklɪər(ə)ns, Am ˈklɪrəns] N

3. clearance ADMIN, MIL → security clearance

vidi i security clearance

slum clearance u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

These were largely lost in the terrible 1953 flood damage, and subsequent slum clearance.
The health portfolio also included responsibility for housing, including slum clearance and rehousing.
Slum clearance began by 1900.
A secondary intention of the act was the completion of the pre-war slum clearance project.
After the second world war the area was subject to local authority compulsory purchase and scheduled for demolition as part of the slum clearance schemes of the 1960s.
The slum clearance programme disrupted the network of the old communities and the extended family.
They stayed there until 1972, when they left as part of the major slum clearance and redevelopment of the city during that decade.
The slum clearance began in 1891 and included 730 houses inhabited by 5,719 people.
The goal of this extension was the slum clearance.
Despite this daily life proceeded and the area benefitted from housing improvement and slum clearance during the 1980s, with new high standard public housing.

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