slumber party u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za slumber party u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.slumber [Brit ˈslʌmbə, Am ˈsləmbər] N

II.slumber [Brit ˈslʌmbə, Am ˈsləmbər] VB intr (sleep)

I.party1 [Brit ˈpɑːti, Am ˈpɑrdi] N

II.party1 [Brit ˈpɑːti, Am ˈpɑrdi] VB intr inf

party2 [Brit ˈpɑːti, Am ˈpɑrdi] ADJ HERALD

slumber party u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za slumber party u rečniku engleski»italijanski

II.slumber [ˈslʌm·bɚ] N liter <-ies> [ˈpɑ:r·t̬i] N

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

She (voluntarily) takes a bath and even accepts an invitation to a slumber party.
It is all so convivial; it's like the best slumber party.
They are 17, not 14, and they go to his hotel room to have an innocent slumber party?
It's like an all-day slumber party for them.
It's like the kind of dance party you'd have when you were a kid at a slumber party and everybody's busting a move.
Their first performance was at his younger sister's slumber party.
In 2006 the square played host to an all-city pillow fight, and later an all-city slumber party.
What do girls do at a slumber party?
You could have a slumber party without being in the same room.
Details of the slumber party games have not been confirmed, however it's expected that pillow fighting and truth or dare will feature heavily.

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