lamp post u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za lamp post u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.lamp [Brit lamp, Am læmp] N

II.lamp [Brit lamp, Am læmp] VB trans

III.lamp [Brit lamp, Am læmp] VB intr LIT

post1 [Brit pəʊst, Am poʊst] N

I.post2 [Brit pəʊst, Am poʊst] N Brit

poste fpl

III.post2 [Brit pəʊst, Am poʊst] VB intr (travel)

IV.post2 [Brit pəʊst, Am poʊst] VB trans (stick up)

I.post3 [Brit pəʊst, Am poʊst] N

II.post3 [Brit pəʊst, Am poʊst] VB trans MIL

post4 [Brit pəʊst, Am poʊst] VB trans Am LAW

lamp post u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za lamp post u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The driver then crashed into a lamp post and died a few hours later.
The police, however, termed it as an accident saying he collided against a lamp post, which caused his death.
Superman then pins the monster over a lamp post, and the city is saved.
When an officer approached to question him, the man took off running and collided with a lamp post, knocking himself unconscious.
The power of his song is so great that even the iron bar, dropped on fertile earth, grows into a functioning lamp post, and toffees sprout into fruit trees.
Police used a hoist to reach the top of the lamp post and chains were cut.
The statue stands near a lamp post, the male figure securing an acoustic guitar between his right hand and the shoe of his right foot.
Notice the eagle in the background on the lamp post down by the street.
A deepastambham and dwajasthambham (the lamp post and flag mast) are added in front of the balikkal mandapam.
As the worker rode to each lamp, they would lean against the lamp post, light the lamp, and then ride to the next.

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