bargain sale u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za bargain sale u rečniku engleski»italijanski [Brit seɪl, Am seɪl] N

I.bargain [Brit ˈbɑːɡɪn, Am ˈbɑrɡən] N

II.bargain [Brit ˈbɑːɡɪn, Am ˈbɑrɡən] VB intr

bargain sale u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za bargain sale u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

No, a bargain sale may apply in many forms including art work, water rights, land and buildings, etc.
The motivating reason behind a bargain sale is not the maximization of cash.
So why would a person want to enter into a bargain sale?
A bargain sale is where a landowner sells a property interest to an organization for less than the market price.
Another way to utilize the benefits of a bargain sale is through a like kind exchange.
The gift portion of a bargain sale qualifies for the income tax charitable deduction.
They scattered far and wide; they would seem to have selected their lands rather like rummagers at a bargain sale, by feel or look.
Rarely will the cash and tax savings of a bargain sale equal the full cash received from the sale of property.
A bargain sale allows these agencies to stretch their fundraising dollars while at the same time putting significant cash in the hands of the seller.
As a result of the above exchange, the taxpayer's basis in the new property will be adjusted as part of the bargain sale.

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