card catalogue u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za card catalogue u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Prevodi za card catalogue u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.catalogue, catalog [Brit ˈkat(ə)lɒɡ, Am ˈkædlˌɔɡ] N

II.catalogue, catalog [Brit ˈkat(ə)lɒɡ, Am ˈkædlˌɔɡ] VB trans

I.card1 [Brit kɑːd, Am kɑrd] N

I.card2 [Brit kɑːd, Am kɑrd] N (for wool)

II.card2 [Brit kɑːd, Am kɑrd] VB trans (comb)

card catalogue u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za card catalogue u rečniku engleski»italijanski

I.catalog [ˈkæ·t̬ə·lɑ:g] N

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Now we are in the basement where the old card catalogue is preserved.
For now, much like the cards that used to be housed in card catalogues, the seed library won't be searchable online.
Fortunately there is a single card catalogue that combines all of the maps from the various collections and has listed them by the area they cover.
Gone are the nights spent in the bowels of the university library looking through card catalogues and the social science index for books and articles.
While libraries have been accused of precipitously throwing out valuable information in card catalogues, most modern ones have nonetheless made the move to electronic catalogue databases.
The library boasts about 85 varieties and will be housed in the wooden drawers of an old card catalogue.
She was allocated 15 minutes a day in which to register incoming books on women's issues in a card catalogue.
The card catalogues were housed in a range of wooden units, and featured handwritten cards, typewritten cards and the occasional printed card purchased with a book.
The plate assemblies were placed in steel cassettes resembling library card catalogue drawers, which were manually inserted into the machine.
Remember finding books using a card catalogue?

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