coffee's u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za coffee's u rečniku engleski»italijanski

coffee [Brit ˈkɒfi, Am ˈkɔfi, ˈkɑfi] N

coffee-coloured, coffee-colored [ˈkɒfɪˌkʌlərd, ˈkɔːfɪ-] ADJ

coffee klatch, coffee klatsch [Brit ˈkɒfi klatʃ] N Am

coffee service [ˈkɒfɪˌsɜːvɪs, ˈkɔːfɪ-], coffee set [ˈkɒfɪset, ˈkɔːfɪ-] N

coffee house [Brit, Am ˈkɑfiˌhaʊs] N

coffee pot [Am ˈkɔfi ˌpɑt, ˈkɑfi ˌpɑt] N

coffee break [ˈkɒfɪˌbreɪk, ˈkɔːfɪ-] N

coffee cake [Brit, Am ˈkɑfi ˌkeɪk] N Am

coffee table [Brit, Am ˈkɔfi ˈˌteɪbəl] N

coffee bar [Brit, Am ˈkɔfi ˈˌbɑr] N

coffee's u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za coffee's u rečniku engleski»italijanski

coffee's Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

However, only a small percentage of coffee consumers know that this coffee type has a naturally lower caffeine count than most other popular coffees.
The menu is diverse, with chai coffees and teas, a gingerbread latte, a redeye and plenty of teas.
An assortment custom chocolates and coffees are available in the lobby along with a computer station, full umbrella stand, and cozy sitting corner with a stocked bookcase.
Teas and coffees, or a potluck lunch provide an opportunity for people to get to know each other, and to swap recipes and tips.
A relentless procession of modish customers line up for made-to-order coffees costing $3.50 and up.
Standard provides brewing equipment and maintenance, along with a variety of coffees and teas and beverage condiments.
Its stores serve specialty coffees, espresso, baked goods, pastries, and coffee-related supplies.
Amongst their cold drink selections are smoothies, iced coffees, chocolate and chai teas, and brand-name bottled drinks.
Perhaps we started with milky sweetish coffees, just as we started in the 1960s with sweet wines.
Aged coffees can display flavours ranging from cedar to spices such as cinnamon or clove, and often develop a thick, almost syrupy body.

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