body armour u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za body armour u rečniku engleski»italijanski

vidi i armour

I.armour, armor [Brit ˈɑːmə, Am ˈɑrmər] N

II.armour, armor [Brit ˈɑːmə, Am ˈɑrmər] VB trans

I.armour, armor [Brit ˈɑːmə, Am ˈɑrmər] N

II.armour, armor [Brit ˈɑːmə, Am ˈɑrmər] VB trans

I.body [Brit ˈbɒdi, Am ˈbɑdi] N

body armour u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za body armour u rečniku engleski»italijanski

body <-ies> [ˈbɑ:·di] N

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Cargo trousers continued to be issued until 2008, after which trousers came without cargo pockets due to the introduction of new body armour with pockets.
It can penetrate better-than-standard military body armour at ranges up to 1000m yd and has a maximum effective range of about 1750m yd.
It has heavily ossified body armour on both its dorsal and ventral surfaces.
He wears pitted and scratched up body armour over coveralls, made of stiff bulletproof canvas.
So how come our troops are so badly provisioned in terms of basic equipment, body armour and night vision equipment?
Critics have long complained shoulder pads are so big and hard that they act as body armour in big hits, leaving many players concussed.
Infantry of these premodern periods also wore a variety of personal body armour, including chain mail and cuirasses.
This was due to the introduction of limited sets of both types of body armour around the same time in late 2005 and early 2006.
The "qabchal" or jacket, quilted and slightly ornamented, was worn underneath the body armour.

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