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habitually u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za habitually u rečniku engleski»srpski

ha·bitu·al [hə'bɪtʃuəl] ADJ

spir·itu·al·ly ['spɪrɪtʃuəli] ADV

mu·tu·al·ly ['mjuːtʃuːəli] ADV

fac·tual·ly ['fæktʃʊəli] ADV

ac·tu·al·ly ['æktʃuəli] ADV

even·tu·al·ly [ɪ'ventʃuəli] ADV

vir·tu·al·ly ['vɜːtʃuəli] ADV

punc·tu·al·ly ['pʌŋktʃuəli] ADV

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

In other states, dram shop liability only extends to serving the habitually intoxicated.
Children who habitually go barefoot were found to have stronger feet, with better flexibility and mobility, fewer deformities like flat feet or toes that curve inwards, and fewer complaints.
What amount of knowledge and experience do we habitually demand of our lawgivers?
Dex is habitually late, often still in his bathrobe and taking long hits on his ever-present bong when she arrives to pick him up.
When asked how she attracted the attention of the musicians, she maintained it was because of the outrageous glam rock clothing she habitually wore.
I habitually use seed potatoes in preference to leftovers from the greengrocer's, always following the mantra that using secondhand encourages disease.
While agreeable individuals are habitually likely to help others, disagreeable people may be more likely to cause harm.
Some singers habitually lip-synch during live performances, both concert and televised, over pre-recorded music and mimed backing vocals; this is known as singing over playback.
However, when comparing different populations of habitually barefoot runners, not all of them favor the forefoot strike.
Eagle owls may habitually visit refuse dumps to predate rats.

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