two-wheeled u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za two-wheeled u rečniku italijanski»engleski

ruota [ˈrwɔta] N f

1. ruota (di veicolo, oggetto, gioco):

a four-wheeled, two-wheeled vehicle
to have a flat tyre Brit

8. ruota:


big wheel Brit
spare tyre Brit

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

It is the first reliable claim for a practically used bicycle, basically the first commercially successful two-wheeled, steerable, human-propelled machine commonly called a velocipede, nicknamed hobby-horse or dandy horse.
Siege-artillery limbers resembled their predecessors: they were two-wheeled carts with a pintle, now somewhat behind the axle.
Horses are hitched to a very lightweight two-wheeled cart, called a sulky.
Then they tested the idea in two-wheeled, camera-equipped robots that were playing a simple game of hide-and-seek.
Fudge is jealous and hates her in the beginning, attempting to exchange her for a two-wheeled bicycle.
Some two-wheeled designs had pedals mounted on the front wheel, while three- and four-wheeled designs sometimes used treadles and levers to drive the rear wheels.
And, death came calling in 1795 when he fell from his two-wheeled, two-horsed curricle.
As national secretary was in charge of the household appliances sector and that of two-wheeled vehicles.
The sulky (informally known as a bike) is a light, two-wheeled cart equipped with bicycle wheels.
For information on two-wheeled vehicles' suspensions see the motorcycle suspension, motorcycle fork, bicycle suspension, and bicycle fork articles.

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