members' u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Members' Lobby [ˈmembəzˌlɒbɪ] N (in GB)

member [Brit ˈmɛmbə, Am ˈmɛmbər] N

1. member (of group, committee, jury, family, organization):

“members only”

fellow member [ˌfeləʊˈmembə(r)] N

private member [Brit, Am ˈpraɪvɪt ˈmɛmbər] N (in GB)

team member [ˈtiːmˌmembə(r)] N

union member [ˈjuːnɪənˌmembə(r)] N

founder member [ˌfaʊndəˈmembə(r)] N Brit

sitting member [ˌsɪtɪŋˈmembə(r)] N Brit POL

members' u rečniku PONS

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members' Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

He disappears and reappears, gets cut in half, makes audience members vanish and others levitate.
Costume is the attire that cast members who perform the day-to-day operations of the park must wear.
Its members are elected freely by universal and direct elections through which the principle of political and participative pluralism is followed.
The defense then called seven character witnesses to the stand, former soccer coaches, neighbours and family members of the accused.
Its members are usually split along the traditional conservative lines of libertarians and traditionalists.
By 1996 the organization had some 700 dues-paying members who met regularly at luncheons to network and share ideas.
Throughout the song, the family members begin to discover their differences need not estrange them from one another.
Fifteen years later the ratio is 75% church members and 25% from the community.
As such, during the band's hiatus period, all three members decided to embark upon solo careers.
Executives from traditional financial institutions are joining the peer-to-peer companies as board members, lenders and investors, indicating that the new financing model is establishing itself in the mainstream.

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