first-born u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za first-born u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

I.primogenito [primoˈdʒɛnito] ADJ

II.primogenito (primogenita) [primoˈdʒɛnito] N m (f)

figlio <pl figli> [ˈfiʎʎo, ʎi] N m

1. figlio (maschio o femmina):

tramandare ai -gli e ai -gli dei -gli


figlio di puttana vulg sl
figlio di puttana vulg sl

first-born u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Their first-born son and daughter were born before 1955.
The hypothesis may also explain why first-born children are more likely to have an allergic disease.
It was believed that those who are more eminent, inventive, productive, or genius are either first-born or the only child within the family.
It also infers that the first-born son possesses the right of primogeniture.
Their first-born child died at the age of nine months.
As the high-ranking first-born children of first-born children, ariki inherit their positions from their forebears.
However, the contract allowed the first-born to become count, if he so wished.
He was the first-born son of a middle-class professional family, his father was a practicing lawyer in the area.
The elite hoped to continue tradition and the status quo, through institutions such as the law of primogeniture (first-born son inherits everything).
Her husband is sympathetic, but is afraid to try again because their first-born child died.

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