first-aid u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za first-aid u rečniku engleski»srpski

AID1 [ˌeɪaɪ'diː] N

I.aid [eɪd] N

AID2 [ˌeɪaɪ'diː] N

I.first [fɜːst] ADJ

II.first [fɜːst] ADV

III.first [fɜːst] N

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

He continues to dedicate time toward guiding, educating and nurturing teens in first aid, outdoor skills, and wilderness survival training.
Their training is a high standard of advanced first aid.
Apart from indoctrination in nationalism and religion, children and school students received military drills (survival, first aid).
However, back country rescue and wilderness first aid is not the sole activity of wilderness medical professionals, who are also concerned with many additional topics.
There is a brief section outlining emergency housekeeping which covers water and food conservation and first aid for the time spent in the shelter.
When a kye-shi is declared, the injured contestant is allowed one minute of medical first aid.
Unit one consist of training in swimming pool supervision, the principles of lifesaving and basic first aid.
One of his men who began to render first aid to the fallen officer was also hit.
In addition, special help points have been installed so that visitors can call for a park ranger or first aid.
The first aid usually arrives within 48 hours and emergency specialists assess the immediate needs of women and children.

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