pestered u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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pestered u rečniku PONS

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If you pester other people at the various locations, by trying to talk to them too much, or loitering they may also get annoyed.
He is tormented by the boys when they continue to pester him while he is changing the tire.
Lam gradually developed an interest in acting and by his own account, pestered various directors until they relented and gave him tiny roles.
His refusal to explain why the train was delayed forces her to pester him with questions which he does his best to avoid answering.
She had been pressuring him because she was pregnant, he said, and he simply wanted her to stop pestering him.
But in his old age, they pester and annoy him.
However, he keeps pestering her to admit that she has feelings for him as he tells her that he is in love with her.
This is done by using quick, pestering defense and anticipating any passes to attempt a steal.
Note that criterion (b) explicitly outlaws appeals to pester power.
At work, she takes great delight in pestering her boss, at one time stapling all his possessions to his desk (including the stapler itself).

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