herbaceous border u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za herbaceous border u rečniku engleski»italijanski

herbaceous [Brit həːˈbeɪʃəs, Am (h)ərˈbeɪʃəs] ADJ

I.border [Brit ˈbɔːdə, Am ˈbɔrdər] N

1. border (frontier):

III.border [Brit ˈbɔːdə, Am ˈbɔrdər] VB trans

herbaceous border u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za herbaceous border u rečniku engleski»italijanski

herbaceous [hɚ·ˈbeɪ·ʃəs] ADJ

II.border [ˈbɔ:r·dɚ] ADJ

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

A murky carp pond may not be as eye-catching as an ornamental one, just as a veg patch can lack the visual appeal of a herbaceous border.
And we'll avoid humus altogether, unless it's a spot of gardening we're after and the herbaceous border is looking a bit undernourished.
Other features include rose beds, herbaceous borders, kitchen garden and a meadow labyrinth.
After you've taken in the herbaceous border with its annuals, biennials and perennials head straight for the park's public entrance.
The grounds are noted for their cottage and kitchen garden, as well as their herbaceous borders and rose displays.
In good soil it grows to 90cm 0 high, and is used as an ornamental in herbaceous borders.
Very easily grown and fits into a shrub, mixed or herbaceous border with consummate ease.
Nearby is the raised herbaceous border, full and abundant with trees and mature camellias adding height.
It has been intermittently cultivated ever since, and is now a regular feature of the herbaceous border.
Turning the herbaceous border over to rhubarb and spring onions may not constitute digging for victory per se.

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