condign u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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One would be to help him lose 50 states -- condign punishment for his comprehensive disdain for conservative essentials, including the manners and grace that should lubricate the nation's civic life.
They can then become the object of planning and condign intervention.
But his tenure was at least marked by some welcome common sense, as when he upheld the condign sentences handed down for the rioters and looters two years ago.
Just why civil wars are so cruel -- and thus, surely, deserving of even more condign punishment -- remains a legal mystery.
But should we go further and have a specific crime of defacing a war memorial that better reflects the strength of public revulsion and which carries a condign penalty?
The markets are watching, waiting, and more than willing to exact condign punishment for lack of resolve.
But if the emperor were safe, although the magistrates were cut off, the authors of the tumult were to be brought to condign punishment.
For heinous crimes, the ideas of deterrence and retribution inform judicial discretion, and hence the more popular verdicts are those that award condign punishment.
So she deserved condign punishment and she got it.
Speedy trial and condign punishment in every such case may have a deterrent effect.

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