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reshape u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za reshape u rečniku engleski»srpski

'ship·shape ADJ pred inf

I.shape [ʃeɪp] N

shape·ly ['ʃeɪpli] ADJ

mis·shap·en [mɪs'ʃeɪpən] ADJ

shape·less ['ʃeɪpləs] ADJ

2. thresh → thrash II

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

He was able to restore order with dispirited troops and reshape an army that could fight as a regular force again.
The bones are cut, reshaped or partially removed to realign the load-bearing surfaces of the joint.
The pistons have been reshaped to have a slight barrel shape difficult to see for the normal onlooker.
Which is innovative in planning, design and execution, the building must have influenced and reshaped the field of tall building architecture, engineering, and urban planning.
He used it to reshape the paper, analyzing events rather than merely summarizing them, and making the leading article a central component of the paper.
The district was the 109th, and has been reshaped into the current 110th district.
The fireplace was reshaped and new wooden panels were put in place of the wall hangings and banners.
Also, both corporate and marketing strategy thinkers as well as consultants are rediscovering the need to reshape the industry.
Yet along with appropriations of ancient traditions about the seventh antediluvian hero, the text attempts to reshape them by adding a new mystical dimension to the familiar apocalyptic imagery.
Intersections had to be reshaped to allow traffic to merge.

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