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ˈap·ple cart N

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It's one thing to upset the apple cart as part of a grand vision.
I don't give a hoot if upsetting your petty little apple cart causes you to throw your toys out of the pram.
This upsets the apple cart in a number of ways.
Whether the route is west or east, the government will eventually have to upset someone's apple cart.
Or would you keep your head in the sand, continue life as half a person and not upset the apple cart?
These professors have an awkward habit of telling the truth and upsetting the apple cart.
People tend to like the status quo and do not want the apple cart overturned.
It's his reformist agenda and political style that have upset the apple cart this go round.
One department in isolation probably doesn't upset the apple cart a whole lot.
The grocer tells him a story of two priests, one small and one large, and that the little one upset the apple cart and ran.

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