armoured car u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za armoured car u rečniku engleski»italijanski

vidi i armour

I.armour, armor [Brit ˈɑːmə, Am ˈɑrmər] N

II.armour, armor [Brit ˈɑːmə, Am ˈɑrmər] VB trans

I.armour, armor [Brit ˈɑːmə, Am ˈɑrmər] N

II.armour, armor [Brit ˈɑːmə, Am ˈɑrmər] VB trans

I.armoured, armored [Brit ˈɑːməd, Am ˈɑrmərd] VB pp

armoured → armour II

II.armoured, armored [Brit ˈɑːməd, Am ˈɑrmərd] ADJ

car [Brit kɑː, Am kɑr] N

armoured car u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The controller rode in the leading tank or armoured car and directed a cab rank of aircraft above the battlefield.
During this time they took part in counter-insurgency operations in both mounted operations (armoured car) and on foot in the dense jungles.
His interest in the armoured car led to involvement in tank development.
This unit was reinforced with one of the "overvalwagens" (armoured car).
The army was called in, bringing with it an armoured car.
It consisted of a truck of infantrymen backed up by an armoured car.
Meanwhile, the policeman enters the caf and informs everybody that the armoured car is being stolen.
The fire generated an enormous black smoke cloud, forcing the armoured car to break off the attack.
An armoured car regiment typically numbered several hundred men and several tens of armoured cars.
The great weakness of the armoured car was indeed that they required smooth terrain to move upon, and new developments were needed for cross-country capability.

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